Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So Proud of Taylor

Log Balancing at Mount Lemon
I have been so proud of Taylor since he has started Junior High.
He has really become more responsible for his school work and really has been on top of things.
In the past this has not been one of Taylor's strengths, but he has really been focusing and working hard to make his weakness into a strength.
I would definitely now call him a responsible student.
A month ago Taylor's Social Studies teacher gave them an assignment where they could chose from different Civil War projects to turn in for a total of 60 points and the due date was the beginning of this month.
Taylor was nervous to have such a far off due date.
How was he going to fit this all in along with his regular work?
He chose 3 different projects (none of them included writing).
He managed his time well.
One of his projects was to memorize and recite the Gettysburg Address.
He paced back and forth around the house for many weeks until he got it perfect.
He turned everything in without a word from mom and received an A+ in Social Studies because of it.
I am just so proud of him and I'm excited to see the young man he is becoming.

Summer has ALWAYS been so on top of her school work.
She has set the example and it is so nice to see her brother following it.

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