Monday, October 3, 2011

I Believe in Being Honest

Kate Maxfield- STUDENT of the WEEK

Every day Kate marks in her binder what she got on her behavior chart that day- green, yellow, or red- and then Andy or I  initial it to say that we saw it.
Of course being such a good girl, Kate always has green.
The other day I forgot to check Kate's notebook.
The next day she came up to me before school.
"What Kate?"-  she is full of smiles and excitement even this early in the morning.
"You forgot to sign your name on my behavior chart, so I just copied your name and wrote it down for you."
She did not see what was wrong with this act.
Of course we were rushing and running late, so I just said.
"Oh Kate, you can't do that.  That's my signature not yours."
Then she jumped out of the car to get to school before the bell rang.
After that, I realized I could of handled it differently.
I didn't act mad, but I should of explained it better.
So I thought about what I should say and then after school I said-
"Kate about writing my name-"
"Mom, I told Ms. Laney that I signed your name and then she circled one of the boxes so she would count that as you not signing your name."
And that was that.
I was so proud of her.
She took care of it all by herself.
What a courageous and brave thing to do all on her own.
I often ask myself how I got such wonderful children.
They are much more courageous and stronger than I, always focusing on choosing the right.
I gave her a proud hug and kiss and we went on with the rest of our crazy afternoon.


  1. What a sweet girl! You should be proud!!!!!

  2. Christin, I've been thinking about you so much today! You keep popping up in my mind, so I came by to catch up on your sweet family. I'm so glad you've been updating :) Glad to see things are going well, your family is just beautiful.
