Friday, August 12, 2011

Diary of A Super Kid- Taylor's 1st Days of Junior High

Taylor wasn't excited about shopping for 4 hours to get his new school duds,
but I think he looks pretty cool.
My boys loved reading the book series "Diary of A Whimpy Kid".
I never personally appreciated the humor, but my boys think it is hilarious.
The books focus on the life of a junior high boy named Greg who tells of his adventures at school and with his crazy family.
Taylor's first few days of junior high cracked me up and he could make into his own book with a few exaggerations.
Night Before School-
Taylor attended the open house with Dad, lead the way with the school map, and met all of his teachers.
He was pretty confident and psyched.
Day 1-
Taylor couldn't orient himself to find class #1 even with a "new" friend's help.
They asked a parent volunteer and she pointed them into the right direction.
They didn't understand her because they crossed her path again and she again pointed and said-
"I told you this way boys."
After making it to 1st period and listening to all the rules and blah blah blah,  the bell rings, Taylor searches for his school map, yet it is nowhere to be found.
I hate when my backpack eats my papers.
Where now to find class #2?
With the help of others Taylor made it to class 2, 3, and 4 because luckily he hadn't lost his schedule.
Lunch time came.
Taylor saw a whole bunch of backpacks lined up outside the lunch room.
He added his own to the bunch, thinking that is what he was supposed to do.
He grabbed his lunch and found his friends under a shady tree.
Lunch is over and Taylor strolls over to the wall where he previously placed his backpack.
No backpack.
He heads to the office.
The janitor searches.
Still no backpack.
They tell him to wait a while because someone else probably picked up his backpack- the grey Jansport that 100s of other junior high kids bought at Target.
He waited a while, but no backpack.
He carried his lunch box to 6th hour.
Shortly thereafter the office lady walks in with his backpack-
"You should really put some colored duct tape on it so you can recognize it better,"  she suggested.
I suggested he just keep it with him during lunch.
With no time for bathroom breaks, because who would do that at lunch, when Taylor's language arts teacher asked if anyone had any questions.
Taylor cleverly raised his hand and asked_
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
The morning seemed like eternity once the afternoon arrived and bus#___, vanished from his brain.
Luckily the office lady helped him out, again.
He made it home safe and sound and we all had a few chuckles while eating our snack.
Day 2 only consisted of losing his brand new water bottle (that is as important as your pencil when you go to school in AZ.)
Day 3 he ended up wearing his t-shirt inside out all day after 2nd hour PE because the bell rang before he was completely dressed.
When he got home I told him his shirt was on inside out.
"Everyone kept telling me that, but how did they know?"
"Because Taylor,"  I replied," you can see the Recess logo right through it."
Apparently he didn't look down at all.
Needless to say now Taylor knows where all of his classes are.
His water bottle was returned by the school nurse.
He now knows to pay attention when he is getting dressed after PE instead of chit-chatting.
He loves his classes.
He likes his friends even more.
And this is the first year the word "excited" has been expressed in the same sentence as "school".
Its going to be a good year, and I'm sure with Taylor there will continue to be some more humorous moments.


  1. Oh, Christin, that is the funniest thing I have ever read! What is great is that he is still so excited to go back again!

  2. Well....he won't forget the first week! Too cute!!!
