Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day of School

How can it be the first day of school?
The morning went so smoothly and felt like de je ve that summer feels like a dream.
It was a dreamy summer and each year it becomes more fun and goes by too fast.
The last 2 weeks I could tell the kids were ready to go back and be in a routine.
They started getting on one anothers nerves and my solution seemed to be to let them watch more TV just to keep the peace.
We did enjoy some more fun moments the last 2 weeks, but everyone was ready to begin their new adventures.
I mean Summer in high school, Taylor in junior high-
I was feeling anxiety just taking Summer to her back to school night last night.
Huge school and so many people-older boys.
But she is ready for it
I am excited to watch my children go and see what new adventures they will encounter this year.
Summer's a Freshman at Highland High School

Taylor- 7th grader at Highland Junior High
Jacob 5th and Kate 2nd grade at Highland Park Elementary

Joshua's bus actually came on time so I didn't get a pic,
but he looked just as cute as this on the first day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! A high schooler??!! Crazy! They all look so handsome and beautiful.
