Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer's 14th Birthday

Today was Summer's 14th birthday!
The Mia Maids decorated our front door with paper  M&Ms to welcome her into the group.
It's not too exciting having your birthday on a school day, but her seminary teacher did give her a Snickers bar, and her friend Brooklyn got half of the cafeteria to sing Happy Birthday to her at lunch.
She felt pretty special.
She was excited to have her birthday on a Friday.
She liked our gifts of grey converse and scrapbooking paper.
(I should of kept my pairs of converse from high school and recycled them.)
And tonight she partied with 8 of her closest friends.
The theme was Pajama Party (no sleep over).
The girls hung out in their pjs while eating Belgium Waffles with strawberries and whip cream, playing games and laughing a lot.
There was a lot of talk of boys- none from Summer's lips.
She says she doesn't like boys yet.
We will see how long that lasts.
Summer sure has a special gal.
She is really enjoying High School and is transitioning easily.
She is responsible as ever and a big help to me.
She is super sweet and super calm, and knows how to have fun.
I can see why her friends love her so much!
We love her too!

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