Monday, July 4, 2011

The 4th of July in Canyon de Chelly

Today was day one of our 3 week long road trip.
Sunday night we headed to  the northeastern part of Arizona to explore Canyon de Chelly.
It is one of the most amazing canyons where Navajo Americans still live and farm.
We hiked the White House Trail in which you descend 500 feet into the canyon floor, cross a wash, and then are able to see some dwellings.  It was amazing and the kids were great hikers along the way.  Going down was a breeze.  Hiking back up was a little less pleasant with the beating sun, but not as hot as Gilbert, and worth the effort for the sights. 
Last year when we went hiking, Joshua was talking to the cactus.  
This year he screamed, "OH NO! A CACTUS!"  There's a lot of cactus here.
We went to many lookouts and saw amazing ruins.
I loved seeing the farmlands on the canyon floor and then the dwellings way up in the canyon.
I don't know how or why people lived in those alcoves so high in the canyon, but it was pretty spectacular.
We especially liked Spider Rock.
Mummy Cave Ruin.
It was truly incredible!
Mostly it was fun spending time together as a family.
Enjoying the nature around us.  Eating a picnic lunch on the grass.  Seeing who could eat 2 oreos at once.  Swinging from big tree branches.  Laughing and talking.  All of those little moments made the trip even better.
At least some of us were happy after hiking.

Andy sharing his wealth of knowledge.  He is the best tour guide!

The extraordinary Spider Rock

Is Taylor actually interested in something?!  He was very HAPPY about the rain!

In the late afternoon we headed to Cortez, CO.
We enjoyed swimming and the nice cool weather.
We ate dinner and then walked over to the park to watch an amazing firework show while sitting in green lush grass.
We had a great day as a family and the best 4th of July we've had in a few years.
I would gladly spend every 4th of July in Cortez, CO.
Enjoying the fireworks in Cortez, CO.

Our hotel was especially amazing!  We stayed in a floor suite, that was in the back looking out into a grassy courtyard with a water fountain. Joshua was able to run back and forth all he wanted and I got and sit a read my book outside under the stars.  Everyone was happy!

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