Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mesa Verde

How cool is this?!

Today we went to Mesa Verde where we saw amazing cliff dwellings.
Everyone was a little tired from all of our fun, but we had another great day.
Cool morning breeze.
Less whining from Taylor.
Seeing a live snake on the side of the road.
Climbing ladders in the cliffs to get to the ruins.

Climbing into a kiva that is hundreds of years old and built and sat inside of by actual Native Americans.
Actually eating a picnic lunch in July.
Cliff Palace and Spruce House.
Buying Native American souviners.
Kids swimming and playing in the hotel courtyard, while I sat and read a book.
The nice lady who put my laundry in the dryer and paid for it.
Walking to Dairy Queen.
It was another fun filled family day.
I love vacationing with my family!

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