Friday, July 8, 2011

Denver, Colorado

The next 2 days of our trip had to be the most scenic.
We decided to take the scenic route from Cortez up to the Denver area, and it was well worth any extra time.
I have never been so high in the mountains before.
So many trees, so  much green, and many waterfalls.
It was breathtaking and I couldn't keep my eyes off of my surroundings during the whole 7 hour drive.
I took like a million pictures to add to our Mac screensaver, where Andy has posted all of my mountainous nature pics, to enjoy while still living in the desert.
We were also able to visit some of our favorite friends- The Rozeskis.
We had so much fun with them and enjoyed seeing Arvada and some other close by towns.
And of course we loved where they lived, loved the sleepovers, chitchatting, and yummy food.
And it even rained for us.
Jacob asked,"Why can't Arizona be pretty like Colorado?"
I had to remind him that the desert has its own unique beauty.
Even though it had been 2 1/2 years since we had seen the Rozeskis, it felt just like old times.
As we were driving off to leave, Jacob said-
"We should really visit the Rozeskis more often."
I think so too!

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