Thursday, June 30, 2011

What would I do without these two?

Taylor and Jacob talking about something that seems like another language to me.
What would I do without Taylor and Jacob.
In my previous post I just talked about Joshua loving me.
Well these 2 have been extra loving to their mom.
Of course they drive me crazy when I am being an uptight adult or they are tuning me out.
They are normal kids.
But the really are extraordinary to me.
They are both so kind and caring in their own ways.
Jacob is always so concerned with others.
I am dealing with this annoying hip problem right now and every night Jacob asks-
"Mom is your hip better?"  and gives me a super big hug.
Taylor is Mr. Patient and doesn't let much bother him.
I love how he tells me everything he is thinking.
He stresses about doing what is right, more than I ever thought.
Our best talks are at night before he goes to bed.
I always ask, "Taylor do you want to talk about anything?"
They are both so patient with Joshua.
Just last night during my conversation with Taylor, Joshua interupted and wasn't patiently waiting his turn.
Taylor was so nice to pause our conversation and then we both laughed when I asked Josh what he needed to tell me and he replied-
"Uh, Uh, Uh........I don't know what to say?"
And Jacob is always so calm when Joshua screams in his face and quick to forgive by always accepting Joshua's sorry hug.
Like older brothers, sometimes they tune their younger brother out, but most of the time they love it when Joshua will laugh and play with them.
They are very patient brothers.
And they have been my wing men with Summer gone at girls camp.
They are stepping it up and helping around the house.
The other night Andy and I were gone for about an hour.
We left Taylor in charge, but he was so exhausted from his fun day, he fell asleep on the couch.
Jacob took over and got his bro and sis some ice cream.
They were all 3 happily licking cones while Taylor was snoozing on the couch.
Taylor and Jacob make a great team.
Maybe that 's why they were born next to each other.
My favorite part of the day is always at night when I kiss them good night.
Taylor- a kiss on the head.   Jacob- a bear hug with a kiss on the cheek
I tell them I love them and the both say "I love you mom."
And I know they really mean it and it comes from the heart.
I just love these 2 boys!


  1. What sweet boys!!!! Great post! I'm so sorry you're haqvinqqg problems with your hip, Christin! I hope it's resolved soon.
