Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer's Last Piece of Gum

Thursday was the last day Summer will be chewing gum for the next 2 years or so.
She got spacers for her braces.
I forgot you can't chew anything once you get spacers.
We should of had a chewy party for her and loaded up on gum, Laffy Taffy, and carmel corn.
She ate lots of oatmeal and smoothies the first couple of days.
Last night she ate like a whole pizza because she was so excited to be able to eat solid food again and feeling deprived of calories.
Full on braces pics to come the end of the month.

Summer is enjoying her lazy summer days.
She bought a season pass to Sun Splash with her friend Brooke.
I can't believe she's old enough to do that.
She chooses to swim with her friends rather than her bros and sis.
She is reading tons of books.
Her main intake of food is otter pops.
For entertainment and laughs she chooses The Cosby Show on Netflix.
With no homework to hurry to, she enjoys chit chatting and laughing with the fam at the kitchen table.
She gets the oldest child advantage of staying up late and getting  a snack from the gas station with dad after they practice their putting in the living room.
(They promise me there is no furniture and ball contact.)
She is being a super big help to me around the house.
She is the manager when I am away and doing her part in training her siblings to become responsible and hard working young men and woman.
Yes, she could probably live on her own already, but luckily we have her for 4 more years.

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