Wednesday, June 1, 2011

School's Out for Summer!!!!!!

What?!  Taylor Sleeping in!
We are so excited that it is summer!
The last 3 weeks of school we were counting down the days of no homework and no schedule (okay reduced schedule.)
So far the weather has been beautiful only reaching up to 100.
We are swimming, eating lots of fruit and ice cream, and staying up late.

Sunday morning it hit me that Taylor is getting closer and closer to being a teenager.
He'll turn 12 this summer, which is a pretty big age, and pretty much close enough to being a teen.
He graduated from Elementary School.
Next step Junior High.
Saturday night he went to a football game with his friends.
At 10pm I started getting nervous because Taylor is not a night owl, he's an early bird.
I was wondering if he was falling asleep amongst a cheering crowd.
He came home at 10:30pm with a smile on his face saying he had a great time and loved arena football.
"Sports are definitely better in person than on TV."
The next morning he slept until 9:00 am.
Never in his life has he slept in that late.
Taylor has always been the first one up and Sunday morning he was the last.
It was just a reminder to me that he is growing up.
Eating lots, sleeping more, and acting goofier, especially among his friends.
Out of all of our munchkins, Taylor is especially excited for SUMMER!

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