Saturday, June 4, 2011

Kate's 1st Swim Meet

Kate started swim team this week and she loves it!
It gets her up in the morning.  She is excited about it EVERYDAY!
She had her first swim meet today.
She did everything her coach told her to do.
She even let me give her a little advice.(Yes I was shocked.)
Just like dancing, she likes to pay attention to all the details.
She had so much fun today and was way excited about her yellow ribbon.
I am excited to watch her this season and praying I make it through the heat.
Mom how did you do swim team every year in this heat?!  Thanks for doing it.
I think being a mom and watching your swimmer is almost as much fun as competing.
Here's to our first swim team season in AZ.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! I need to see it! Remember our mornings at the pool in St. Louis. We thought it was hot then, but I bet 90's would feel nice to you all. We had our first meet today as well. I can't believe this is our fourth season on this team. Have I really lived here this long???
