Saturday, May 28, 2011


Taylor teasing Kate with a dirty sock
Out of all the kids this school year, I would have to say Taylor has changed the most.  He decided to be a lot more social at school, and even though he was caught talking a lot more in class, his grades actually went up.  He has matured in so many ways and has been very responsible with his homework.  I feel like he is ready for junior high in the fall, but I can't believe he has finished elementary school.  He still loves to tease and loves to hang out with his friends doing 12 year old boy stuff.  

This was Taylor's last band concert.  He is retiring from the flute.  He is so good at it, even without practicing like he should, but he informs me he is ready to move on to other things.  Something about computers.

Taylor is a great help to us and we are excited to have another babysitter in our home.
The other night Summer was at a party and Taylor watched the kids while Andy and I went to the movies.
I was so impressed that everyone was in bed with the lights out when we got home.
Taylor isn't always the best at watching the time, especially if the TV is on.
He gets a little distracted.
I knew the kids had just went to bed, so I went in the boys' room to compliment Taylor on getting everyone to bed and being so responsible.
Then Jacob speaks up, "Mom, I'm the one who turned the lights out."
Hey, I'll take tag team babysitting.

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