Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was awesome!
I love being a mother.  I love all the homemade gifts my kids give me.  Summer even wrote me a poem.
Kate's 1st grade teacher, Ms. Hyde had a Mother's Day tea for all the mother's in her class.
Kate made me lots of gifts, including a book about all the things she loves about me.
Then her class did a little program.
They sang some cute songs about mothers.
Then they each told us what they loved about their mother.
Most kids were saying, I love my mom because she ...cleans my room...makes me dinner...takes me places...etc.
Kate was the last one.
I was curious to see what she would say.
She stood perfectly still and straight, and in  a clear voice she said very seriously-
"I love my mom because she serves my family."
Everyone in the room said,"Awww.." and turned to look at me.
That's Kate.
Everyone loves to hear what she has to say.
Sometimes she makes me want to cry(because she's so sweet) and laugh( because I've never seen her speak so seriously) at the same time.
Mrs. Hyde's daughter was there to help.  She was so impressed with what Kate said, she used her little example in the Mother's Day talk she gave that Sunday.
I feel blessed to have 5 of the most amazing kids, who make me feel loved everyday.

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