Monday, March 21, 2011

February Randomness

Thanks to Amazon, I finally received my battery charger for my camera.
Here is what we were up to in February.
Summer ended another season of cross country. (She's the one on the left with the cute bun, with running buds Emily and Chandler.)
She had so much fun with the team and was a little more competitive with her running this year.
She always had a running buddy and then spirited her way the last leg of the race to the finish line.
She was excited to make her best time at her last race, knocking off 30 seconds.
And of course she was once again the best cheerleader on the team, always making everyone feel good about their efforts.
Summer has her own sense of style, always looks cute, and can pull off anything when she is dressing up or choosing to be more casual.  This jumpsuit from Forever 21 is one of her latest fashion favs.  I love that Summer is so confident about herself.  She knows and  likes who she is.  It is one of her greatest qualities. She is a true beauty on the inside and out.

Kate is constantly asking to get her picture taken.  I don't know where this girl gets her genes from but, she can do the splits and loves gymnastics. She is always wowing us with her moves. She also loves to draw.  She made her friend Macy a friendship coloring book for her birthday.  She worked on it all night. I had to talk her into buying something at the store to add to the gift.  Of course she chose some crayons and stickers to go with the coloring book.  Kate made my day with this mural on the backyard cinderblock fence.  You can see it from the family room, kitchen, and even my bedroom window.  Outside my window it says, " Git nit mom I love you" It makes the backyard look so much better and makes me smile whenever I look at it.  She has a big heart and lots of energy.

This is Joshua's own trick.  I think it's a Kung Fu panda move.  He LOVES being silly!  He loves to do anything that will make you smile or laugh.  And as always he is a favorite with all the teachers at school. Joshua also lost his first tooth by natural causes. (It's on the bottom.)  Instead of being fearful, he was actually excited.  He was constantly wiggling it.  One night he started wiggling it when he went to bed at 8:30pm.  I didn't think anything of it until at 10:30pm he walked in my room and said, "Mom I'm done wiggling my tooth.  I go to bed now."  For about a week once it was close to falling out he kept saying, with a huge grin on his face, "My tooth will fall out.  Bleed a little. Use a tissure. And the tooth fairy comes!"  When the day finally arrived he said, "My tooth is falling out."  He ran to the bathroom mirror, pulled it out.  There was little blood.  He used a tissue.  And then put that tooth under his pillow.  He was so excited and happy that it worked out as he planned.  He was excited that the tooth fairy came and took his tooth, but could care less about the dollar bill she brought.  We added it to his over filling money bag. We are really hoping that he grows  some more teeth before he loses anymore.
Jacob is wild about owls.  He made this one at school.  He loves the Gaurdians of Ga'Hoole book series and has mastered the Wii game.  He loves all things magical and mystical.  And can tell you anything you want to know about magical owls.  Jacob is also the best tag player on the play ground and plays it nonstop any recess chance he gets.  He is kind to everyone and is so great about playing with his sister Kate.

No pics of Taylor. As you can see he is in the background.  He is your typical 6th grade boy.  Video games and being social are very important to him.  He has tried really hard to overcome his shyness and has a good group of friends.  He likes to be goofy at times in class and gross out the girls.  He was excited to get a new bike this month and scares me to death at how fast he goes and how out of control he seems sometimes.  Yes he has had a few crashes and Andy has had to fix his bike once already.  I love my nightly ritual with Taylor where he tells me what's on his mind.  He is becoming more and more responsible and when we filled out his JR. HIGH registration sheet, I felt confident that he will be ready for it next school year.

Everyday my children amaze me and make me smile.  I love watching them grow.  Without a doubt they are the joy of my life and I feel so blessed and privileged to be their mom.


  1. I'm so happy you have a charger again!!! What a busy month!

  2. The little things are the best things! So glad you are enjoying motherhood. They grow up so fast!
