Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thoughts of Summer (the season)

On June 21st summer officially made its entrance and brought with her temps up into the 110s.
I am melting!
Once it reaches this point, I don't want to go anywhere.  
And if I go anywhere, I don't want to leave.
Anything to avoid the outside if even for a moment.
Like yesterday I took the girls to Target at 4pm.
We bought items at the register 3 times because I was thinking of every item I would need from Target until October so that I wouldn't have to get back into my car and suffer driving there again.
(Like that would really happen.)
And then we didn't want to leave because even that short walk in the parking lot to our oven like vehicle seemed so long and hot.

I must say with all this heat, we are enjoying our swimming adventures even more.
And the kids love that I actually get into the pool and swim around with them.
The pool really is the most refreshing place to be.
One exciting pool moment.
Joshua jumped into the pool for the first time this week.
He followed the example of his bros. and sis.
He has been trying to get the courage to do it all month long at swim lessons.
He was so psyched to show his teacher Ms. Sumer.
And she was so proud of him.
My Chalkboard Brain
This chalkboard is my new brain.
It helps me to remember what its going on everyday because for some reasons things kept disappearing and then appearing when I looked at my little desk calendar.
I thought it would be more bare now that it is summer.
But it has been full every day.
They kids are relaxing this summer, but I seem to be running around a lot still.
That is why I am so looking forward to this last week of June.
It means it is my last scheduled week.
And then I get to go off on vacation and leave the heat and my schedule for a short while.
I am SO excited!
And I will endure this heat happily for one more week before I can escape it grasps for a while and head off to cooler and more relaxing destinations.


  1. Every mom needs a chalkboard brain! All I can say about your vacation out of the heat....LUCKY!!!!!

  2. We are only in the 90's here!!! Can't wait to see you all!!!!
