Friday, December 24, 2010

Celebrating the Christmas Season

We have had a busy and happy holiday season, with lots of activities to help bring the Christmas spirit into our hearts.
Here are just a few of them.
Our ward Christmas party was the best I have ever been to.  The theme was "Journey to Bethlehem."
We all dressed up and went back into time, remembering the birth of the Savior.  I've never been to a party where there was so much calmness, reverence, yet so fun.  Kate was "The Star"  for the program. Everyone enjoyed it and it helped us to focus on the true meaning of Christmas right from the start.
Kate had her Christmas dance recital with her "Dance Baby Dance"  group.  We love Ms. Michelle and her garage studio, just down our street.  We love seeing Kate perform in a tumbling and dance routine and only paying $30 for both costumes.  Kate was so excited and did marvelous.  She loves to practice and being precise is important to her.  "Are my legs straight?" comes out of her mouth every time she does a cartwheel.  You can't help but smile, watching her excitement on stage.  And I'm not just saying this because I am her mom, or maybe I am, but her classes performed the best.
Summer's choir concert certainly put us in the Christmas spirit with all of those beautiful songs.  I am amazed at how talented these 7th and 8th graders are.  I love especially hearing Summer sing in the shower.  It makes me happy that she is loving choir developing another talent.  It has also been fun preforming with Summer in our ward choir where we have had multiple opportunities to sing Christmas carols.  And I love that Summer loves to listen to the Christmas station with me in the car.  We've always got a Christmas tune in our heads.
 One of the most exciting things I witnessed this month was Kate riding her bike around the circle all by herself.  I had no idea she was practicing and one day I drive home from doing errands and there she is riding her bike, the one she has been deathly afraid to even get on.  There were lots of smiles and shouts of joy that day.  Love that memory.  And of course breakfast with Santa also brought some smiles on this girls face.
 Taylor had his Christmas band concert.  I forgot my camera and he changed out of his shirt and tie before I could snag a pic.  I made him play all the songs for me the day before so I knew how he sounded.  He did a great job, especially since practicing slips his mind a lot (and mine).

Joshua sang in the chorus of the 2nd grade Christmas play.  I was so proud of him!  He sang every single song. He was so excited about it.  He liked the practices and performing for the school. Everyday the before the big show he would tell me,"I did the play today."  Since Thanksgiving he has been so excited to show us or tell us something that happened at school that day.  We love it! On performance night he was a little  confused about having his family come to watch him.  "Summer, why are you here?", he asked when she came up to share her praises.  Only mom has ever come to visit him on his territory. Although he was a bit confused by seeing so many people in the audience who didn't attend Carol Rae Ranch, he did his part and sang his heart out.  Joshua loves music!  He can belt it out beautifully when he wants to.  We were hoping for 2 front teeth this Christmas, but maybe next year.

Good times for the Maxfields.  We are excited about the big day tomorrow and are still feeling the Christmas spirit, even in our shorts and sandals.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your pictures! I think Summer might be taller than you some day. She is such a young lady now, how can 2 years change them so much. We aren't any older right? I'm glad you had a great Christmas!
