Monday, November 7, 2011


Left to Right
Vampire Hunter, Kitty Cat, Blue, Beggar, Flynn Rider
Trick or Treating is the best in Arizona!
You always know it is going to be good weather.
This year was super fun and pretty easy.
All of the kids came up with their own costumes, even Joshua.
He wanted to be Blue from the movie Rio.
We received our annual Halloween package from Gma Maxfield.
We had a blast at our ward party.
And what can be better than trick or treating with your cousins?!
Unless you are a teenager- Summer and Taylor- who enjoyed spending the evening with their friends.
It was a little strange only having to keep tabs on my youngest 3 as we walked around the neighborhood.
But I had the best time just watching my 2 cute little nieces, Alexis and Julia, going door to door.
They got this trick or treating thing down pat.
I laughed when at one house Julia took the Starburst out of her mouth and dropped it in the neighbor's bowl in exchange for a new candy.
It was a yummy Halloween.
Almond Snickers are my new fav.
I have a few stashed in my night stand.
Here are a few of our favorite pics. 

Summer is always so creative.
Blue spray paint + Angel wings= an easy Blue bird costume.

Gma and Gpa Cardon joined us for our trek around the neighborhood.
"Can we do individual shots?"
In case you couldn't tell from the previous pic-
this Kitty loves the camera!

And of course we got more candy than we could ever eat
or let me say-
And what would Halloween be without some gross gummy eyes?!

1 comment:

  1. I love keeping up with the Maxfield's!!! Summer was so sweet and wrote Autumn about them being from the same movie for Halloween! I am so proud of Joshua. He seems to be breaking barriers continually! I hope you are well! Miss you all!
