Thursday, September 8, 2011


Oh yeah!  Taylor is the man!
Taylor talked Jacob into boogie boarding-
"If Mom can do it, anyone can."
We decided to take our children to San Diego this Labor Day weekend.
I wanted to get away from this heat and show our children the majestic Pacific.
Summer was the only one of the kidos who had ever seen the ocean.
Did they love it?
Of course!
It was especially exciting to see Taylor enjoy himself so much since vacationing isn't his favorite thing.
And boy did he love the boogie boards.
The weather and water were beautiful.
We spent Saturday at the beach all day and yes we got some funky sunburns.
(I forgot we needed sunscreen even with fog.)
The morning was a little chilly, and yes I looked like a dork wearing my fleece, but I have become whimpy since living in AZ.
The sun came out at 1pm and that is when I grabbed the boogie board and faced the frigid water.
I screamed, but had a blast!
"The big wave tripped me and knocked me over."

"Hip Hip Horray!"

Sweet Sister Summer and little brother Joshua

Kids love seaweed!

It was so fun watching all 3 boys play together.
"I want to make a big hole."-Joshua
We had the best day at the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 hours of free and fresh entertainment.

On Sunday we went to the San Diego Temple.
Look how beautiful it is?!
Summer said it didn't look real it was so white.
"Is it made out of posterboard?"
And the sky so blue and weather and air so crisp.
Oh it was like I was in heaven.
We had a lovely and peaceful picnic lunch across from the temple grounds.
The we took a nice drive and drove up the coast
We stopped at the beach in San Clemente.
San Clemente is where we had our Gaisford Family Reunions when I was growing up and lots of memories came flooding back to me.
It was a beautiful sunny day.

On Monday we visited some of our favorite cousins, Rob, Claire, and their 4 sweet girls in Yorba Linda.
We had fun playing games at the park with all of their fun friends.
It was so nice playing at an actual park.
It's been a few months.
We then enjoyed some chicken tacos and swimming at the Stowells lovely home.
We had a great time and can't wait to visit them again.

Oh did I mention our air conditioning went out in our car just as we reached San Diego?!
We didn't worry about it during our vacation because who needed air conditioning?
We had the crisp ocean air.
We left in the late afternoon on Monday.
We rolled down the windows and were blessed with overcast skies and even sprinkles all along the way.
It didn't become hot until about 9:15pm when we reached the concrete of phoenix, and then we began to sweat.
How can it be so hot at almost 10 o'clock at night?
Luckily we only had 45 more minutes in the car.
Even with this mishap, I wouldn't change anything about this weekend.
I have decided anything that has to do with water or rocks, my children love.
And I love watching them have so much fun, especially in nature.
We can't wait to go again (minus the expensive car trouble.)!


  1. What a blast!!! I'm glad your kids enjoy CA as much as you!! Good thing only the last 45 minutes were hot!!

  2. FUN! Looks like everyone had a great time!

  3. You guys have pretty much covered the west in your travels this summer! Great pictures! I hope you are starting to cool off a bit. Miss you!
