Monday, August 1, 2011

Taylor's 12th Birthday

Taylor is 12th birthday was celebrated at home with 3 of his favorite friends playing outside having one huge water fight.
The boys were starving after 30 minutes of playing (It was only 10:30 in the morning).
They each at 3 hot dogs, liters of soda, and bowls of chips.
Yes Taylor is a growing boy and before I know it he will be taller than me.
He has really matured this last year and become more responsible.
He is ready for Junior High and is excited to be a deacon.
He was ordained on Sunday by his dad.
And yes he acts like all the other deacons.
He was very excited to finally get a Nintendo DS and even more excited that he still had 10 more days of summer left to play with it (minus Sundays.)
Taylor makes me laugh, awes me with his logic, drives me crazy at times, touches my heart with his huge spirit, and helps me out whenever I need him.
Happy 12th Birthday Taylor!
Yes!  A Nintendo DS.
12 year old boys must be silly at ALL times.

Taylor and cousin Noah were both ordained deacons on the same day.

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