Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The End

Tuckered Out
On July 25th we left Flagstaff and headed back to Gilbert, AZ.
Our vacation of 3 blissful weeks was coming to an end.
The weather was merciful to us and was a low 100 degrees with some humidity.
The heat blasted us as we opened our doors and walked into Wendy's to eat lunch since the fridge was empty at home.
We froze inside from the drastic change of temperature- burning heat/ blowing AC.
We prolonged our vacation by spending the afternoon at our local Barnes and Nobles, reading books while we waited for the A/C to cool off our house.
We had an amazing vacation!
Actually I love all vacations.
Times are simpler.
We each lived out of a suitcase for 3 weeks.
I read inspiring books.
I always come home thinking-
How can I make my life simpler and focus more on what's most important- my family?
I am glad I got to spend every minute of 3 weeks with the 6 people I love the most.
So now we are back to reality and grateful for the new memories we made.
Only 2 1/2 more weeks till school starts.

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