Sunday, June 26, 2011

Swim Meet

Strike A Pose
Kate had another swim meet Thursday night.
Tuesday was June 21st, the official start of summer.
Temps have now risen to the 110s and Thursday night was HOT!
Kate was cheered on by parents, brothers, sister, and grandparents, all with ice cold Powerades in hand.
In breast stroke Kate was neck and neck for second place until-
Mom and Gma Cardon yelled-"GO KATE!"
Kate turned her googled eyes our way and 3rd place was hers for the taking.
Quiet cheering from now on.
Kate earned 3rd place for her awesome butterfly and received "another white ribbon".
I was warn out from the heat/cheering, so we ended the evening at Wendys filling ourselves with chocolate Frostys.
Another fun summer evening.

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