Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jacob's 10th Birthday

Ten years ago today, Jacob Bentley was brought into the world.  
He looked nothing like his sister or brother before him.
He had a full head of dark hair and chubby cheeks.
He grew into the chubbiest and happiest baby.  
The bigger he got, the happier he became.
He had the best smile and I love that even 10 years later he still has that same sparkle in his eyes.
He is super smart, creative, and sensitive.
He likes order, following the rules, and has the best handwriting of any 4th grader I've seen.
He doesn't like getting messy and can't stand it when people don't use their table manners.
He makes delicious scrambled eggs and loves to help me make dinner on Sunday nights.
He is always so grateful.
He is crazy about owls, dragons, and any kind of magical creatures.
He is a bookworm after dark and reads at night with his flashlight.
He can be oh so happy and bursting with smiles and laughter, but watch out when he is in a bad mood, which isn't too often.
He likes to make everyone happy.

 Jacob telling an animated story.

Jacob was very excited to have a birthday party this year.
Since we have moved here he has been on the shyer side and it has taken him a while to make friends.
He just seemed a little unsure of himself.
But today he was all smiles, playing tag and capture the flag with his buddies at the park in 97 degree weather.
It was so fun watching him feel at ease and confident around his friends, yet at the same time being so considerate and making sure everyone was having a fun time.
He is a great friend and brother,always wanting to include everyone.
It was a blast watching him run all over the field being the Zombie King.

Like all of our children, Jacob has his own amazing talents.One of his talents is his love for words.If any of us need to know how to spell a word, we ask Jacob.He loves learning new words and he loves to use them in his writing.Summer-"Isn't that sentence too descriptive?"Andy and I bought him this handmade leather notebook to write down all of his magical ideas and stories.He was very excited about it and we wouldn't be surprised if one day he publishes his very own book.

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