Tuesday, August 7, 2012

UT Part 2-Silver Lake

Silver Lake
One of favorite little places to go is to take a walk around the board walk at Silver Lake up Big Cottonwood Canyon.
It is a great place for little ones along with big people.
We had many of the Maxfields join us to check out this beauty of a place.
Andrew, Taylor, and Blaine always had lots of video game chatting during our walks and hikes.

Nikki, Ethan, Alex, Aubryn, and Brien
It was so fun for us to be able to spend time with Brien and Nikki's fam.
The kids love playing togeher at the park, and Gma's basement and backyard.

Silly Sisters
I think they were having an ice war with Uncle Steve.

Jacob and Maureen snacking and chatting our walk

Taylor with our newest favorite Maxfield cousin Grant

Summer's pretty picture of a duck
It was so cool and beautiful up there that it was hard to leave.
We headed to the park later to play with Ethan, Alex, and Aubryn.
Then Grandma treated us to pizza and a movie -"Brave".
Another fun vacation day with lots of family time.

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