Sunday, August 26, 2012

Taylor's and Jacob's Summer-Merit Badge, Merit Badge, Merit Badge

Taylor, Jacob, Stephen,Collin, Josh, Easton, Braxton
So a handful of mom's in our ward decided that we were going to work on as many merit badges and we could this summer to get these boys moving forward in their scouting.
We decided these boys were going to eat, drink, and sleep scouting this summer.
Sometimes I wanted to ring their necks, because I didn't realize how much mom's do to help their scouts.
And sometimes they wanted to whine(there was some of that) or give up.
But we pushed forward, learned a lot, built friendships, had fun, and accomplished a lot.
We chose to do some of the more difficult and longer merit badges.
I don't know what I would have done without the help of Marni, Christine, Tori, Christy, and Barbara.
(Oh and the life guard at Brimhall Jr. High)
Marni came up with the idea and all of these ladies helped me with more than I could do on my own.
They are truly angels on earth to me.
And because of this experience I have learned to see the good in the scouting program and even love it- Well, most of it.
Taylor and Jacob completed the following merit badges-

Personal Fitness
Citizenship in the Nation
Family Life

They did great work and I am so proud of all they accomplished.
I mean running a mile in 110 degrees can be pretty sweaty and only an AZ boy scout troop would hold a fireside around a campfire in August.
This was the busiest summer we have ever had, but it was also really fun,
And I don't think the word BORED came out of the mouth of these 2 boys all summer.

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