Monday, July 16, 2012

Kate's 8th Birthday/Where's My Baby?

Kate makes EVERYTHING colorful
Kate was as always, super excited about her birthday.
I have to admit that this one was a tough one for me.
Over the last few months I began to realize that Kate isn't a four year old girl anymore.
She hasn't been for the last 4 years.  Why would I possibly think that???
It must be the youngest child thing, but that is what I always seem to picture her as, my cute little four year old buddy.
She has been growing up, but I definitely had blinders on
I was recently knocked over the head when we took a  nice little date to McDonalds.
"How fun that will be for my little girl,"I thought.
Here were some clues that my baby was growing up----
1) Not impressed by the Happy Meal-"I think I will give this toy to Joshua."
2) During our conversation- "I think I should give some of my toys away.  I hardly ever play with        them."
3) When I asked her if she wanted to play on the playland before we left, her response-
     "Why would I want to do that?  It's for babies."
Did I almost cry after this outing? YES
But I realized my little girl is growing up and is now a big girl.
Ready to be 8, ready to be baptized, and ready for new adventures.
So I allowed Kate to turn 8.
She isn't a baby anymore and my 8 year old had one easy and exciting birthday.

Kate chose to celebrate her birthday with the Cardon Family.
She loves ALL of her family!!!
And it was one great party!!!!!
Twister with the Hailey and Peyton

Her dream robe.  She literally wears this every morning!

Just right for our little artist.

The Party kids

Happy Birthday Kate the Great!  Yes you are FINALLY 8!

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