Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Joshua's Summer

Joshua my happy summertime boy.
This by far was THE happiest summer Joshua has had in his life.
Summertime is usually hard for this boy and we usually see some behaviors that well, can drive us all
CRAZY at times.
Mostly he just isn't as happy.
This summer he went to summer school as usual.
He loved hanging out with Ms. Julie.
He loved swimming in the afternoons.
But when I told him summer school was going to end soon, he got real sad.
I knew I had to get him into something, but of course all of the special needs programs were full.
That is when Freestone Rec Center saved us.
It is a little local rec center who does week long summer camps for full or half day.
They were willing to include Josh in their program.
The head counselor has a daughter with Autism and so she understood.
We would put him in the younger group so he could understand the games and activities better.
Joshua would be hanging out with typical kids and still have the support he needed without anyone knowing.
No mom.  No special aide.
This was a first.
I was nervous, but we felt so good about it.
Day one went well, but then came the games in the gym.
Joshua is terrified of high ceilings.
So Day 2 I came during gym time.
He held my hand, then the counselor's, then he went slowly around by himself.
After 1 hour he conquered the gym and his fears.
I was so proud of him.
After that he was fine.
He loved it.
He even participated in the Talent Show singing "50 Nifty United States"  another first.
Everyday he was so happy and everyday we were happy because he was happy.
He went for 3 weeks and then it was vacation time.
"I don't want to go on vacation?"
"Why?"  I asked
"Then it's school."
Typical kid who wants the summer to go on and on.
Vacation was great!
When he got home he whined about school.
But as soon as we entered the building, he was back on his turf, his comfort zone-Carol Rae Ranch El.
He loves that place and loves that he knows everything about it.
I am so grateful for all the people that helped make Joshua's summer so successful.
Now we know summer can be a happy time and a time for fun and growth, instead of regression for our little guy.
Oh wait- our big guy.
I'm not aloud to call him little or cute anymore.
He is growing up and I am so excited for all of his growth!

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