Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Years in St. George

Conrad and Kathleen Maxfield
I love this photo!
This is exactly how I picture Con and Kathe and this is how my children picture them.
I told you I was excited at Thanksgiving that they bought a home in St. George.
We took the first opportunity we could to visit them, winter break.
The weather and scenery beautiful!
Their new house is in the perfect location, secluded, but close to everything.
The kids really wanted to play in the snow.
We thought, "We can find both sun and snow close to St. George."
It wasn't looking to good-
Too much sunshine meant melted snow and avalanche at Snow Basin with no entry.
But Kate had prayed that none of our plans would go bad.
Her prayer was answered her way.
We drove up and up and found one little snow patch.
Just enough to sled.
We sled for a few hours and ate lunch in the sunshine. ( my camera battery died)
Hiking in slot canyon
We also enjoyed some hiking.
And where is Summer?
She enjoyed reading, alone, on Gma and Gma's comfy couch.

The Sandbox
The kids were bummed we didn't find sand hills,
But we did find this huge sand box.
Lots of holes were digged.
We had such a fun weekend with Gma and Gpa Maxfield!
We enjoyed eating together, playing games, going to the movies, walmart trips, and enjoying the nature around them.
It was great to see them both again so soon.
And they no we will be knocking on their door again.
And of course the car trip was AWESOME!
I love being on the road with my clan.

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